Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jeopardy! > or < Wheel of Fortune?

Yesterday's Inequality here!

Jeopardy!: an A.I. was developed by IBM specifically to answer the type of questions posed by Jeopardy!. All winnings from the computer, named Watson, have been donated to charity.

Wheel of Fortune: First aired Jan. 6, 1975. In Feb. 1997, the letters on the puzzle board switched from being turned manually to Sony touch screen monitors. There are 52 monitors on the puzzle board in all.

1 comment:

  1. WATSON IS A DICK! The only thing that that show proved was a computer has a faster click in reaction, which was obvious (you didn't need to put him on the show to prove that). I don't think I ever actually disliked Jeopardy until that robot was on

    On a better note, Jeopardy is way better than Wheels
