Monday, February 28, 2011

Android > or < iPhone?

The weekend's Inequality here!

Last week's results here!

Android is an operating system owned by Google for smart phones. There are over 200,00 apps available for Android OS.

iPhone is a smartphone that uses Apple's own operating system. There are over 300,000 apps available through Apple's app store.


  1. The only thing worse than an iPhone is an iPhone user.


  2. I've had an iPhone since day one... Shitter does what I need to do, and then some. sure, you have to throat a Steve Jobs cock sometimes, but I guess I'm okay with that. I have no qualms with this phone. What do you do with your Droid that I can't do? I mean, get back to me after you're done restarting and loading your jailbroken OS. I'll be here. Playing angry birds. (trust me, I'm a unix user, just stirring up the pot a bit)

  3. Who's this dick? ^ ;)

    I do think the Droid's home screens and menu are much more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing than the iPhone's. Also, I like a keyboard option.
