Monday, March 7, 2011

Kool-Aid > or < Capri Sun

The weekend's Inequality here!

Last week's results here!

Kool-Aid is a flavored drink mix that comes in many flavors and colors. Kool-Aid is represented by the "Kool-Aid Man" which is a giant talking pitcher of Kool-Aid.

Capri Sun is a juice concentrate that most commonly comes in a pouch. Although the drink comes in many flavors, it's most always colorless.


  1. And this is why Kool-Aid will always be better:

  2. Yea, I have to agree Kool-aid is the shit even tho capri sun has a sweet commercial with the silver bullets/terminator people

  3. Dammit Shelly, why did you have to go and post that shit?!?! Now, I will never feel quite right about giving my young children a Capri-Sun! Kool-Aid had my vote already but Capri-Suns and other juice boxes are sometimes easier to give the kids (especially at parties/picnics/etc).

    On another note, Dane Cook does a pretty funny Kool-Aid Man spiel.

    OH YEA!

  4. I LOVE that Dane Cook skit and definitely listened to it this morning...and then had to listen to the whole Harmful if Swallowed CD.

    It was just as good as I had remembered it. As for ruining Capri Suns...shit, I'll still drink 'em.
