Thursday, March 24, 2011

Waffles > or < Pancakes?

Yesterday's Inequality here!

Waffles are a dough based cake that are cooked in a waffle iron. They also come toaster ready. Normally waffles are eaten with butter and syrup but many times fruit and whipped cream are also added.

Pancakes are a thin round cake cooked on a griddle or frying pan. They are also normally served with butter and syrup, although the thin crepe variety normally takes fruits and whipped cream as well.


  1. Before Ben fixed the mistake that he made (that I brought to his attention) - the Pancake description said that "they are normally served with butter and pancake" . . . that doesn't even make sense; what an idiot!

  2. Ben threatened to delete my comment . . . again, what an idiot!

  3. Pancakes ARE normally served with pancake. Completely makes sense, asshole.

  4. what goes best with a pancake? ANOTHER PANCAKE!! I am totally on Ben's side with that one. Waffles are better by the way

  5. I personally think a waffle would go best with a pancake. Ben, you're such a dipshit!
