Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Forgiveness > or < Revenge?

Yesterday's Inequality here!

Forgiveness is the process of releasing another of an offense or debt against yourself. Fully and honestly forgiving is looked on as a noble act because it is often so hard to do - especially without any outside assistance.

Revenge is taking harmful action against another in response to a wrong-doing. This is often perceived as justice and can be acted out in many forms.


  1. Revenge makes you bitter and usually gets you into trouble. My vote goes to forgiveness!

  2. Not if you do it right! Revenge is more fulfilling than forgiveness and prevents you from being taken advantage of again. If you mess with me, I'll take you out back and tear your ass apart.

  3. Karma's a bitch. Watch your shit.

  4. I've seen Shell-Botz penis! She literally will "tear your ass apart"!

    Revenge for shizzle.
