Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ice cream: Cone > or < Dish?

Yesterday's inequality here!

Own your own ice cream franchise

Cones can be waffle or sugar and the ice cream is scooped on top. The cones are edible and compliment the ice cream well.

Dishes are not edible, however, they make eating the ice cream less messy. Dishes normally hold more ice cream safely.

Suggested by Robbie S.


  1. Eating ice cream off the cone is an art...only a select few have the vision and skill to do so...thats why the dish is better

  2. I agree that it is the less messy alternative and you can get more ice cream than in a cone, but I also love the taste of a cake cone all soggy from vanilla ice cream! It was a tough choice, but I ended up having to choose the cleaner alternative: DISH!

  3. Waffle cones are the bomb. However, I'd rather eat a waffle cone and ice cream out of a dish than have a waffle cone with ice cream in it. Dish it is.
