Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crocs > or < Flip-flops

Yesterday’s Inequality here!

Crocs are disgusting.

Flip-flops are annoying.

Flip-flops are an open footwear with a Y-shaped strap that goes between the first and second toes. They are made with a variety of materials and come in every color imaginable. They are appropriate for most occasions and go with anything from skirts to jeans, not to mention they're extremely reasonably priced. Flip-flops can be warn in the water, too. Plus, crocs are just weird lookin'.

Crocs are comfy, and wearable in any conditions. They can be used as indoor slippers or as outdoor water shoes. They're good to lounge in, but have the option of "strapping in" for more intense activities. They don't hurt your toes after a long day of walking and they dry off very quickly once wet. Crocs are great in many situations, including picture situations - just ask Brett Favre.


  1. Crocs have got to be the most repulsive-looking footwear ever created.

  2. In my opinion they've earned a little street cred due to Frank wearing them in Sunny, but not enough! Flops it is.

  3. Crocs suck. Flip flops are only cool if you have decent looking feet (no fetish) - not gnarly ass feet.

    If it looks like you are throwing gang signs with your toes, then shoes, or radiation boots.

  4. I'm all about comfort and flip-flops do not satisfy my requirements.

  5. Then you're purchasing flip-flops made of less-than-quality material. I am all about comfort as well and I can think of nothing more comfortable than the $3 black flip-flops I got from Kohl's about 6 years ago that are perfectly molded to the shape of my feet. In fact, they have huge holes at the heel and I STILL have them and would maybe wear them. :)

  6. flip flops byyyyyyyy far, crocs are hideous. your only cool if you wear flops

  7. Crocs aren't just unfathomably ugly shoes; they are also a statement. That statement, however, is not one that you'd like to make. When you see someone wearing a pair of crocs, it's the equivalent of when you saw the guy donning the Flock of Sea Gulls hair cut in the 80's. It's a clear indication that the person you are looking at maintains the kind of blind slavery to trends that makes you question how literal that blindness is. You see that person, and you understand that not only are they so oblivious that they can't see how absurd their feet, and, by extension, the rest of them, look, but they are also completely incapable of independent thought. Anyone who looks the 60 some odd inches down to their feet and sees crocs staring back at them without being overcome by the urge to sever their own feet with a hacksaw from the ankles down can't possibly possess the powers of comprehension required to express or believe anything of substance. These are the same people whose political beliefs come from 3 second soundbites from cable news outlets, whose music tastes are dictated by Billboard's Hot 100, and whose religious views hold about as much depth as a crushed dixie cup. They are people whose surfaces can't and mustn't be scratched because there is absolutely nothing underneath. Flip-flops, on the other hand, are timeless, eternal, and say a merciful nothing about your personality. Like Lincoln said, "It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Wearing flip-flops, one might think you're a fool, but if your feet are screaming with all the decibals in the sound spectrum, "CROC!" no one is going to wonder. Plus, Jesus wore flip-flops. The only association crocs have with Jesus is in the tears he sheds when he looks down from heaven to see his people wearing crocs and thinks, "I died... for this?"

  8. I think Crocs are a-ok. There very practical when switching from water to land to parking lot to gravel driveway. Flip flops always fall apart on me. Plus crocodiles are awesome and everyone knows Crocs are made from crocodiles for people who live like crocodiles. I only found out about crocs like 2 years ago so there still hip IMO.

  9. When Crocs first came out (and for a few years after) I thought that they were horrible and vowed to never wear them. Then my wife bought a pair and since we have the same size foot I wound up wearing them a couple times around the house. Since then, I have stolen that pair of Crocs and am still wearing them several years later. Now, I am not saying that they are the most stylish but quite honestly I don't give a shit. They are comfortable, practical, and durable . . . to me, that is what counts. I had a pair of flip flops and while I did like them, I found that they were a little harder on my feet after wearing them for long periods and they did not provide any "strap in" option. One thing I will say about Crocs is that if you have wore the traction down they are super slippery on wet tile/cement/or other smooth surface . . . I have almost eaten it a few times in these situations.

