Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Give > or < Receive?


Giving > Receiving

10 to 6

Yesterday's inequality here!

Giving a gift is an act of generosity that many rarely experience but a few times a year. "'Tis better to give than to receive" we're told; and this can be true for a number of reasons. Nothing is better than when you get the perfect gift and can't wait for the look on your friend's face. Or when you surprise your Mother with something hand-made and it truly moves her. And how about giving a gift to someone who needs it more than yourself? Giving a gift may not be completely altruistic, as sometimes you can score major points with the right choice, but it does make us feel good. It gives us a sense of fulfillment as we contribute at least a bit to our fellow human beings and makes us realize, in some cases, how good we really do have it.

Receiving a gift is an exciting and joyful occasion. It means someone took the time to think of an item that would be perfect for you and only you. You get to rip a bunch of elaborate gift wrap and shiny bows (that inevitably become hats) off of a package that holds unknown contents, unless, of course, it's a CD or DVD. Think back to childhood. This is what kids stay up all night for! This is what makes winter worthwhile. The suspense and excitement from seeing a pile of differently wrapped gifts that vary in size is what the Christmas high is all about. Lastly and most importantly, you get something without paying for it.


  1. Nobody does it better than me. It's not just that I'm a giver. It's that I'm better than everyone else!

  2. It looks like about 75% of those voting are liars!
