Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mac > or < PC?

Yesterday's inequality here!

Macs are hip and cool. They are a very sleek computer and the apple logo is obviously awesome. They have a reputation for not crashing or having a virus corrupt their system. Macs are very intuitive, especially for people who are not computer savvy. When something is plugged in - it works. They are simple, easy to use, and can do a lot of cool things. Unfortunately, they also aren't very easy to upgrade or alter for the people who do like to mess around with their computers to increase performance.

PCs are easily customized and upgradeable. They can run various operating systems and are generally more powerful (depending on how you customize it). Gamers definitely want a PC which allows the freedom to tweak their components how they wish and modify their systems. Although most viruses are made for PCs, most software is also made for PC operating systems. This makes things easy to use without messing around too much.

Ben and Shelly


  1. Lifelong PC user here but irrevocably scarred by a mere two years of Windows Vista-ing. Worst OS of all time. Spite vote for Mac.

  2. I'm also a lifelong PC user, but that doesn't mean I don't wish I was a lifelong mac user. GO MAC.

  3. I like PCs because of microsoft onenote, the greatest program ever.

  4. My vote is for PC but Shane I have to say that I think Windows ME is right up there as one of the worst OS of all time. Unfortunately, I ended up with one of the 30 copies they sold!


  5. Onenote is really only OK. But at the same time, I can't think of a similar and superior Apple version.

  6. Boy, this is a tough one for me. I use both every day. My main work computer is an iMac (10.5). I also have a PC (POS Dell) running XP on which I test web sites (Internet Explorer compatibility), as well as administrate a departmental backup system. The backup server is running on Windows Server 2003. At home, my desktop is a Sony Vaio (PC) running Windows 7. I have a black MacBook (10.6) for the portable. Going to have to think about this one... I'll be back.

  7. Just remember, David, if you were on Vista, you'd be confirming your permission to your own brain to decide right now. Then you'd have to confirm the permission for your permission, and finally, your brain would probably just shut down and you'd forget what you were trying to do in the first place.

  8. Going to have to go with Mac.

    Yes, Apple has released some questionable Operating Systems (OS9 is like a Windows that forgot the "illegal operation" dialog. It just stops. then your mouse freezes. I'm assuming something bad happened. Usually this happened about once every 3 minutes). But, with Mac, their OS has proven to be stable. Once it got good, then it got a little better (running on Unix will do that for you). Windows? Not so much. 95? not too shabby. 98? Worse. ME? Jesus Christ. XP? Great, for its time. Vista? Kill me. 7? Pretty damned decent. Oh, and I can run Windows on my Mac. And any Linux distro runs on my Mac. The switch to Intel allowed that. The Mac's overpriced hardware actually does run Windows and Linux really well. And it's pretty. (and yes, I submitted my vote from my Windows 7 powered Sony)

    If only Apple wasn't so evil in many other ways (but then again, so is Microsoft)... Mac it is.

  9. DOS games make PC the clear winner. 'NUFF SAID
