Monday, December 27, 2010

Kittens > or < Puppies?

The weekend's Inequality here!

Check last week's results here!

Kittens are very clean and adorable pets. They require extremely little potty-training and constantly bathe themselves. You don't have to worry about picking up their poop with only a thin sandwich bag between your hand and fecal matter, nor do you have to fear stepping in a fresh turd left on the walkway. They don't drool, slobber, or permanently stain your couch cushions with the stench of wet dog. On top of their cleanliness, kittens are also very playful. They're always ready to hunt down a hand scratching the carpet or rolled up cardboard at the end of a wire. You can even get them to pant! Which leads me to next point. Kittens are heart-meltingly precious. When kittens aren't playing, they're usually sleeping. Tiny little balls of fur tucked in a tuft of blankets, getting cuter with every yawn and stretch. However, while all kittens love their primary care-givers, some grow into cats that are stand-offish or afraid of people, especially when raised in a less than ideal environment.

Puppies are cute, playful, and cuddly pets. They have some of the softest fur and love to be around people. Undying loyalty starts from day one and although a bit rebellious at first, puppies eventually learn to hang on your every word and become much more trainable than a kitten would ever be. A puppies little bark is one of the sweetest sounds and their eyes can soften even the hardest hearts.


  1. The only good use for a cat is live bait.


  2. Like Boxes Of Shit In Your House? Get A Cat.,9082/

  3. Apparently all dog owners are jerks.

  4. If only cute little kittens would grow into awesome trained dogs...

  5. Shelly, dog owners aren't jerks.

    Our brains are just more advanced and superior in every way.

    :) jk
